• The contract purchaser is responsible for paying income taxes on interest earned in the account. An IRS form 1099-NT is sent to the purchaser in January of each year.
• Except with irrevocable trusts, the purchaser can withdraw the principal and interest from the account at any time. The funeral director cannot charge any processing or administrative fees or penalties for early withdrawal.
• If a funeral home is sold to another funeral home, both funeral homes must notify you in writing within 30 days of the sale. You have the option of changing the arrangements, requesting your money back with interest, or giving written authorization to transfer your money to another funeral home.
• If a funeral home goes out of business, NYS law requires the funeral home to return your money with interest or allows you, with written authorization, to transfer the funds to another funeral home.
• The above is, in part, extracted from a publication of the NYS Bureau of Funeral Directing, Before Prepaying Your Funeral, Know Your Rights. For a copy please contact the Overton Funeral Home or the Bureau of Funeral Directing, NYS Department of Health.